For Your Healthy Hair, Skin, & Nail

SIWELL: Supplement for healthy Hair

A full head of hair with extra volume, isn't that everyone's dream? Unfortunately, for some, it remains just a dream. It can be quite frustrating when your hair doesn't do what you want it to. We completely understand that! Fortunately, healthy hair full of volume is never far away, not even for you. With the silicon supplements from SiWell, you stimulate the growth of full hair in a natural way. Why hair supplements can help you with this and how exactly this works, you can read here.

What does silicon have to do with hair? A lot! Your hair consists of proteins such as keratin and collagen. In combination with fats from sebaceous glands and melanin, which determine your hair color. Collagen - and therefore silicon - promotes the elasticity and strength of the hair. This can make it look healthier and fuller. Many benefits. The more collagen, the fuller your hair.

If the production of collagen in your body decreases, your hair can become thinner. Of course, you don't want that. But don't worry, there is a solution to this. Daily intake of silicon drops supports your hair from within. The result? Stronger, healthier, and shinier hair. And that in a natural way.

SIWELL: Supplement for healthy Skin

Imagine waking up every day with radiant skin—elastic, firm, and without wrinkles. You want to enjoy that for as long as possible. Do you know why you should protect your skin as best as possible? Because this is the only organ that comes into direct contact with the outside world. This has a direct effect on your skin. With silicon supplements, you stimulate elastic and firm skin from the inside. But how exactly does this work and why is this so important for healthy skin? We will explain it all to you.

There are so many creams and care products that help you get a radiant skin. But for an optimal result, you also need to nourish your skin from the inside. But how do you do this? Simple. Supplements are the way to ensure a healthy skin from the inside easily. Because you feel good with radiant skin. But this depends on the amount of collagen in your body. This body's protein keeps your skin supple and firm. By using a skin supplement such as silicon drops, the production of collagen type 1 is stimulated. You support your skin from within. The result is a healthy skin with a supple texture. This way you become a more beautiful you, in a natural way.

SIWELL: Supplement for healthy Nails

Do you know that feeling? If your nail breaks or tears, you can be grumpy for hours. A broken nail is super annoying. Now you want nothing more than to prevent even more broken nails. With silicon supplements from SiWell, you stimulate the growth of strong nails from within, in a natural way. But how exactly does this work? We will explain it to you in detail.

Your nails are mainly made up of keratin, a strong protein that gives your nails their hard structure. The elasticity and strength of your nails is also due to the body's substance collagen. But what does silicon have to do with strong nails? Your body produces collagen itself. However, the amount you produce decreases after the age of 25. After this, you must obtain this from food or the right supplements for your nails. By using silicon drops daily, you support the production of keratin and collagen from within. This way, you naturally get healthy and strong nails.

Zinc is very important for the formation of keratin. Your body needs this to build your hair and nails. If you have a zinc deficiency, you can get white spots on your nails. Horrible. Fortunately, there are ways to replenish the amount of zinc in your body. First of all, through your diet, because zinc is naturally found in eggs, meat, peanuts, and legumes.

We have also added zinc to our formula so that you also get enough zinc through our silicon dripper

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